Simplicity and transparency are what we strive to achieve at Fungo Today Ltd. We’d have loved to give you actual cookies; the ones we serve you here are, in fact, digital ones — small files that help us improve the browsing experience you get when visiting our website. Let’s break it down!
Cookies are like small helpers that remember what you like, keep track of what you love the most, and help our website run smoothly for you. They don’t spy on your personal life or keep your secrets — they simply help us customize the way you learn!
Here’s what our cookies do:
No problem! You’re in control. You can also set your browser to block or delete cookies. Just know that without them, some features may not work as smoothly.
We’re here to help! To read more about the way we treat cookies, email us at [email protected]
Unless otherwise stated, this is a brief notice for your privacy at Fungo Today Ltd. No unnecessary monitoring, no ulterior motives—just a better way to help you learn.